Dadax Operational Compliance
We conduct business with integrity, observing international conventions and all applicable laws and regulations in the places where we operate. This is the cornerstone of operational compliance at Dadax, and a core principle of our management team.
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are a core competency of every enterprise. Dadax will invest at least 5% of its revenue in product R&D and technological innovation every year.
Dadax complies with and uses international IPR rules and handles IPR affairs in accordance with international conventions. Dadax approaches IPR issues in a proactive and open manner, using various mechanisms such as cross-licensing and business partnerships. If no solution can be agreed upon for an IPR issue despite much effort, Dadax resorts to legal procedures to address them in accordance with international conventions.
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery
Integrity is at the core of our operations, and we have zero tolerance for bribery or corruption.
All Dadax employees and third parties who do business on behalf of Dadax are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the places in which we operate as well as our customers’ anti-corruption and anti-bribery requirements.We also share our anti-bribery requirements with our partners, requiring them to sign an Agreement on Honesty and Integrity. We have established complaint channels through which employees and other parties can report violations.