Shanghai, January 9, 2019 ] We are pleased to announce that Dadax Software (CN USCC: 91310115MA1H7FCA12) and Daxi Software(CN USCC: 91310115MA1H84NEXX) are now operating as one from today. The merger will create a large practice team of experienced staff who are dedicated to serving the needs of emerging IoT total solution and engineering across the country.

Daxi was focusing on Technologies Consulting and Engineering. Its businesses and owned customer relationships now handed over to Dadax Software. From now on, Dadax Software will take responsibilities of all the ongoing contracted projects and maintenance work which Daxi software contracted.
And the cancellation of Daxi Software is expected by the end of June of 2019, subject to regulatory approvals.
After the merger, the new company will keep the company name and logo of Dadax Software. The logo of dandelion seed will be used on the coming hardware products.Both of the software companies have the same private investor. There is no any public transactions.