Articles, Blogs, Papers etc.
THE CHALLENGE Concentrated Industry Structure, Heavy Assets and Economies of Scale Looked at overall, chemical industry appears fragmented, but two decades of portfolio restructuring have created a highly concentrated industry…
Dadax Software always advice companies especially industrial enterprises, hospitals, etc. to fight for more service and extra income by shares data with equipment manufacturers, distributors, research institutions and data analysis companies after desensitizing while ensuring privacy and security.
A more diverse cyber workforce must be encouraged, particularly in relation to gender, and it must become easier for those with non-technical backgrounds to understand the significant impact they could have in this ever-expanding industry.
Nowadays, we are imaging IoT for a better life, and more and more companies are doing IoT business to create a smart world. People are always dreaming good things, you see, the concept of IoT world was well animated, even in 1984.